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The continuous fiscal legislation evolution requires a constant and deepened bringing up that the Firm can assure for its research activities and bringing up, as well as for its daily research of the legislative news.

• National tax rules
• National and international tax planning
• Tax litigation
• Fiscal audits and check-ups
• Assistance on fiscal compliance

The Firm experience is rich about mergers, acquisitions, joint venture consultancy, as well as about assistance of business compliance.

• Formalization of companies in Italy
• Equity transactions
• Assistance in maintenance of corporate registers, legal addresses and corporate domiciliation
• Assistance in corporate compliance
• Domiciliations
• Transfer of shares, quotas and businesses
• Mergers, acquisitions, demergers, spin-offs, transformations and liquidations
• Shareholders agreements and similar questions
• Assistance in generational passages and family agreements
• Appraisals of companies and businesses
• Tax and corporate support in financings and recapitalizations

Many professional experiences lived in Italy and abroad have been able to make the Firm mature an high business know-how both in the strategic view of company business and in the setting up and extension of single departments (mainly the administrative one) of a company.

• Discussions and negotiations
• Contractual assistance
• Due Diligences and pre/post closing procedures
• Analysis and reporting of the processes
• Planning and implementation of the models concerning the D.Lgs. 231/2001

The Firm can offer full assistance and competences for accounting establishment, management and audit.

• Assistance in annual statutory and consolidated accounts
• Accounting assistance, keeping of books and records, banks, customers and supplier management
• Accounting inquiries and check-ups
• Advice on Italian and foreign Accounting Principles
• Periodical reporting in line with Italian and foreign Accounting Principles
• Financial and economic budgets and forecasts
• Auditing

Il nostro Studio ha maturato una consolidata esperienza nell’assistere le aziende in crisi che intendono proporre ai loro creditori ristrutturazioni dei debiti. Tutte le esperienze vissute hanno dato sempre un esito di successo nella composizione degli accordi giudiziali ed extragiudiziali.
Il nostro Studio assiste le aziende in crisi:
• nelle trattative dirette con i suoi creditori, bancari e fornitori;
• nella predisposizione dei business plan economici e finanziari;
• nella predisposizione e attestazione dei piani di risanamento di cui agli artt. 67 (Piano Attestato), 182 bis (Ristrutturazione dei debiti) e 160 e seguenti (Concordati in continuità e liquidatorio) della Legge Fallimentare.

Firm’s growth in the time is particularly rich of assignments of control and management from prestigious clients.

• Members of Boards of Statutory Auditors
• Members of Boards of Directors
• Risk Management
• General and special attorneys Tax representatives
• Liquidators

The Firm, with its professionals, filled and still fills the post of Director, of President/Auditor and of Liquidator in various companies. The most important are:

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Lo Studio Iberati è fortemente specializzato nella costituzione di nuove attività imprenditoriali, ed in particolare nelle seguenti recenti forme societarie:

• Startup innovative
• SRL semplificate
• SRL a capitale ridotto

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The Iberati Firm is comprised of Chartered Accountants with degrees in Economics, with experience in the fiscal and corporate areas. Because of its involvement in various Mergers and Acquisitions projects, the Iberati Firm has heightened its experience in corporate share capital operations as well as commercial valuations

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